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Over the past 30 years of implementing HIV/AIDS prevention and control, Vietnam has made important achievements. 2018 is the 10th year in a row, the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Vietnam reduces all three criteria: Reducing the number of new infections, reducing the number of people transitioning to AIDS, and reducing the number of people dying of AIDS. Along with the progress in HIV prevention, expanding ARV antiretroviral treatment is one of the most important solutions for HIV/AIDS prevention and control. ARV treatment improves health, reduces mortality for HIV-infected people, reduces HIV transmission, and brings economic benefits to both the patient, the family, and the society. Currently, Vietnam has more than 140,000 HIV-infected people receiving ARV treatment, about 70% of people infected with HIV have been detected. Among them, the proportion of patients with virus load below the inhibitory threshold and almost unable to infect others through sexual ways is up to more than 95%  (Bộ Y tế, 2019). 
These achievements are due to the recent attention and investment from the State, effective multidisciplinary coordination, and the mobilization of the participation of the community and social and special organizations. especially with the assistance of the Large Financial and Technical Ratio of international partners for HIV/AIDS prevention and control in Vietnam, mainly from the source of the Emergency Relief Plan of President Hoa Period on HIV / AIDS Prevention and Control (PEPFAR) and Global Fund (Amfar, 2015; Chính phủ Việt Nam – Cục Phòng chống HIV/AIDS, 2014; Todini, Hammett, Fryatt, & Reform, 2018). However, HIV / AIDS remains an important health problem and one of the leading causes of premature death. At the same time, Vietnam is facing enormous challenges in the sustainability of the HIV / AIDS prevention and control program. Donors have been cutting and reducing support resources, while domestic resources are still limited (Bộ Y tế, 2014). Despite many difficulties, Vietnam is still committed and determined to achieve the goals of the National Strategy on HIV / AIDS Prevention to 2020 and Vision to 2030. Vietnam is also the first country. In Southeast Asia through the 90-90-90 targets of UNAIDS, whereby 90% of people living with HIV in the community know their HIV status; 90% of HIV infected people are diagnosed with ARV treatment; 90% of people receiving ARV treatment have a stable, low viral load, are less likely to transmit HIV to others, thereby moving towards the global goal, which is “End AIDS in the year 2030”(USAID & PEPFAR, 2016).
In order to achieve the above targets while international support funding is being cut, Vietnam is implementing many initiatives, solutions, and changing mechanisms to ensure the sustainability of HIV/ AIDS prevention and control activities. is based on lessons learned from many countries around the world (Flanagan et al., 2018) apply appropriately in the Vietnamese context. In this situation, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in collaboration with the Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control, Ministry of Health has carried out many transition planning activities to ensure the sustainability of the chapter. HIV / AIDS prevention program, including implementing priority area selection, providing a transfer roadmap for project-supported provinces, such as 29 provinces supported by CDC-PEPFAR, etc.
Continuous monitoring of progress and results after handover should always be a priority to provide timely evidence for adapting systematic solutions to maintain sustainability. to achieve the goals of HIV/AIDS prevention committed by the Government. For that purpose, CDC (the representative office in Vietnam) and the Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control, the Ministry of Health sponsored and coordinated with the University of Public Health to implement this study with the desire to evaluate the dynamics of handover for people with HIV. Specifically, consider HIV service delivery and use, coverage, and health status of HIV patients, and examine the factors that influence transmission in order to ensure the sustainability of HIV patients. HIV/AIDS service provision activities.
This report is funded by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) within the framework of the National Action Plan (PEPFAR - Vietnam 2016-2019). The report is made in cooperation with the following entities: 
• CDC-Vietnam and CDC-Atlanta: support supervision, technical consultation
• Vietnam Authority for HIV/AIDS Control, Ministry of Health: supervising, supporting, monitoring, and advising throughout the process of designing and implementing the assessment
• Hanoi University of Public Health: Conducting the assessment

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