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Introduction to the Department of Hospital Management

Department of Hospital Management was established in 1976, formerly belonged to Department of Health Management. Currently, the Department is one of departments of the Health Management Training Institute and the department staffs who have trained and experiences in field of Hospital Management and Public Health. The Department is assigned to develop and deliver the teaching curriculum of Hospital Management Principle, Hospital Quality Management for different courses, including long-term and short-term courses (training and re-training), graduate and postgraduate training courses. Beside this, the Department continuously participate in research and consulting activities in term of Hospital Management, Hospital Quality Management and Public Health also.
1. Teaching – Learning activities:
At present, the Department is assigned to develop and deliver the teaching program for compulsory and selective courses such as
In addition, the Department is also responsible for teaching continuous training courses for health staffs, including Hospital Management, Hospital Quality Management. All these courses are annually offering by Ministry of Health.
2. Research activities:
The Department also coordinate and collaborate with other departments and organizations to conduct and implement the researches related to Hospital Management, Payment methods of health insurance as well as Public Health issues. The findings of these researches have announced and published in some professional journals such as Journal of Public Health Association, Journal of Medical Practice, Journal of Preventive Medicine, etc.
3. Consulting Activities:
The department staffs have coordinated and participated in technical consultant groups in the projects such as applying Total quality management (TQM), ISO models to improve the quality in some hospitals. For example, the projects in National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tho Xuan district general hospital, Nga Son district general hospital,…
  • Introduction
  • Funtion & Task
  • Structure
  • 4 departments of the institute