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Introduction to the Health Management Training Institute

In order to meet the training needs and capacity building of health managers, contributing to the task of caring, protecting people's health, Health management Training Institute (HMTI), under Hanoi University of Public Health, was established under Decision No. 3796 / QD-BYT dated 24 September 2014 of the Minister of Health.
HMTI is established on the combination of the Faculty of Health Management and the Health Management Training Centre at Hanoi School of Public Health. The HMTI is in charge of not only in-service and continuous training for the health managers at different administrative level, but also wide variety researches of hospital management, health system, health policy, health economic and essential drugs, etc. The HMTI’s researches provide scientific evidence to policy making decisions of Ministry of Health and other stakeholders.
1. To build capacity and develop human resource in teaching, research and consulting services for healthcare management to meet the social needs 
2. To build management capacity of health sector through strengthening the quantity and quality of continuing courses for managers and leader of health sector.
3. To increase the quantity and quality of formal training courses and specialized course in health management (egg: hospital management masters course, Health Economics master course...) as directed by the Ministry of Health.
4. To enhance the quantity and quality of scientific research on health management to provide a scientific basis for planning the organizational model, medical management and construction of legal documents.
5. To advise the Ministry of Health in training program to strengthen the capacity of management, administration and policy development for the health sector.
6. To develop consulting services in health management and related fields.
7. To strengthen the finding, signing, implementation of scientific research and international cooperation projects, step by step to improve health management of Vietnam become more professional and meet with regional

The Institute consists of the 4 following departments:
     Department of Health Organization & Management
     Department of Hospital Management
     Department of Health Policy and Economics
     Administrative Office

  • Introduction
  • Funtion & Task
  • Structure
  • 4 departments of the institute