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Introduction to the Department of Health Economics and Finance

Department of Health Policy and Economics was formed on the basic of three departments, Department of Health Policy (established in 2001), Department of Health Law and Inspection (established in 2014) and Department of Health Economics and Finance (established in early 1980). The Department is assigned to develop teaching curriculum and deliver teaching program in two broad dispipline: (1) Health Policy & Law and (2) Health Economics and Finance for different courses, including long-term and short-term, on-campus and off-campus, undergraduate and postgraduate training courses. Besides teaching-learning activities, the Dept. members are actively involved in research related to health policy, economics and finance as well as public health in general.

1. Teaching – learning activities

Health Policy and Law

The Department places strong emphasis on the provision of updated knowledge and basic skills for learners throughout building, implementing and evaluating health policies as well as communicating policies. Based on these foundations, learners could participate actively and effectively in policy process, and as a result, they could promote protection and care for people’s health. During the phases of designing and implementing health policy-related courses, the department has received technical advice and supports from various local and international professors and experts since 1999 till now.

The department of Health Policy & Economics now offers different courses in health policy and law, which include Health Policy, Health Policy Communication, Global Health, Introduction to Law, Envinromental Law, Health Law and Ethics, and Health Law and Inspection to undergraduate and post-graduate students of Hanoi University of Public Health.

Health Economics and Finance:

In the context of general resources and resources for health are always scarce, the study of Health Economics and Finance helps students and trainees apply concepts of scarcity, choice, and the laws of economics in order to optimize the use of resources to improve the health status of the population. Currently, the compulsory subjects and elective subjects of Health Economics and Finance have been developed and updated as health economics, health economics and financial management, economic evaluation in health...

These subjects are offered for different teaching and training programs including Master of public health, Master of hospital management, Health system management specialization level II, Master of public health specialization in health economics and in health technology assessment as well as bachelor program.

2. Research activities

Health Policy and Law

Apart from training, the Department cooperates with local and international partners in consulting and doing health policy research. Several researches were performed may include: Research and develop health policies on reproductive health in 3 countries: India, China and Vietnam; Review of health policies on Adolescent and Youth Reproductive Health in Vietnam, Review of policies on contraceptives in Vietnam, Consulting on developing policies on prevention of non-communicable diseases in Vietnam...

Health Economics and Finance:

Members of the Department take part in different scientific research activities in and outside of school related to the field of health economics and financing. Several research were performed may include the burden of disease in Vietnam, costing study, health technology assessment, cost-effectivenes analysis on different interventions... In addition, the department also closely coordinates with other units, other organizations working in the field of health economics and finance to share, disseminate research results, such as the Vietnam health economics association, Department of health Economics - Hanoi Medical University, Faculty of Health Economics - Institute of Health strategic and policy...

  • Introduction
  • Funtion & Task
  • Structure
  • 4 departments of the institute